What is Blepharoplasty?
Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is a cosmetic surgical procedure to correct excess skin under or above the eye. This is commonly known as ‘droopy eyes’ when the skin and muscle around the eyes loses elasticity. Eyelid surgery can be done above the eye and below the eye. This is known as lower blepharoplasty and upper blepharoplasty.
Book a Consultation
Surgery Time
1 - 2 Hours

Time Off
1 Week


Full Recovery
1 - 2 Weeks
Reasons for blepharoplasty
Over time, the shape of the eyelids can change due to ageing. It is not something to be ashamed off. Blepharoplasty doesn’t always have to be done for cosmetic, vanity reasons. It is something that may be done for better functionality in your daily life. Some of the reasons people opt for blepharoplasty include:
- Improved Vision and sight
- improved facial balance
- Brighter appearance
- Youthful appearance
- Improved confidence
During a consultation your surgeon will advise you on the necessary steps and procedures to help you achieve your desired look and will discuss with you the process of achieving it.
Improved Vision
Improve your line of sight
Youthful appearance
Reduce the signs of ageing
If Blepharoplasty sounds like the perfect procedure for you and you would like to find out more, please feel free to contact us below for a consultation with James Wokes
Book a ConsultationFrequently Asked Questions
Deciding to undergo blepharoplasty can be a big decision. Please read our frequently asked questions to give you peace of mind over any concerns.
Blepharoplasty surgery can be done under local anaesthetic or general anaesthetic. During the surgery a small incision is made either to your upper eyelid or lower lid, depending on the procedure you are having, and excess skin +/-fat is removed.
During lower blepharoplasty, the incision is placed on the inside of the lower eyelid or below the lower eyelashes where it is well hidden. Mr Wokes will remove excess fat or reposition the fat to create a smoother tear trough appearance before adjusting the overlying skin.
During upper eyelid surgery, the incision is made along the eyelid crease and the excess eyelid fat and/or skin will be removed from the upper lids to reduce the droopiness or hooded appearance of the eye. The incision scar is hidden in the natural fold of the upper eyelid.
Blepharoplasty can take up to 1-2 hours to perform depending on the procedure you are having done. Upper blepharoplasty is more likely to take up to 1 hour whereas, lower eyelid surgery can take up to 2 hours. If you are having a combination of blepharoplasty or other cosmetic procedures such as brow lift, it may take longer.
Following surgery, you are likely to return home the same day. During the recovery stage you will experience a degree of bruising and swelling around the eyes. You may also experience temporary light sensitivity and blurred vision. It is important to follow recommended aftercare including taking specific medication which Mr Wokes will provide.
For the first week you will be advised to rest, to keep your head in an upright position and avoid applying harsh skin products to face. The effects of the surgery and bruising may last up to 6 weeks however, you are likely to return to normal activities after a fortnight. It may take 4-6 month for the final result to become apparent.
Eyelid surgery is not painful. The procedure can be performed under local anaesthetic and general anaesthetic, and you will not feel anything during the procedure. During recovery you will likely experience discomfort however, this will subside over time as the scars heal and the bruising and swelling subsides.
With any surgical procedure there are potential complications and risks. Complications with eyelid reshaping surgery should be discussed fully with Mr Wokes during a consultation. The risks associated with blepharoplasty surgery include pain, bleeding, poor scarring, asymmetry and need for revisional surgery.
During your consultation Mr Wokes will inform you of the possible complications associated with blepharoplasty, both common and rare. If you feel you are experiencing any of these side effects, you should always seek medical advice as soon as possible.
You should always check your cosmetic surgeon is registered and has the right to practice before deciding. You can check your surgeon is registered through the general medical council.
You can also find out more information about cosmetic procedures through BAPRAS and BAAPS